Kate Gerson is the Chief Executive Officer of UnboundEd.  Kate has driven the design and development of curriculum implementation and professional learning, trained transformational school leaders, and served as both a high school teacher and principal. As managing partner of programs, Kate sets the vision and oversees the design, delivery and quality of all programs.

Kate was the senior fellow for educator engagement at the Regents Research Fund, where she oversaw the design and development of New York State’s groundbreaking curriculum, training and professional development resources related to higher educational standards on EngageNY.org.

Previously, she was executive director with the national nonprofit New Leaders and trained aspiring school leaders.

She also served as a principal at a turnaround high school for over-aged, under-credited students in South Brooklyn, New York.

Sneak Peek Into What You’ll Learn…


01:33 – Kate tells us about life as a single mom with 2 daughters, one of whom was adopted cross-racially.

07:40 –Kate talks about attachment parenting and how that impacts the way she raises her daughters.

11:00 – Kate discusses how the work of William Sears has helped her to raise her daughters without using traditional discipline methods like time-outs and the removal of privileges.

15:13 – We learn how Kate balances 2 children, single motherhood, and leading an education-focused non-profit.

20:29 – Kate talks about how and why she works hard to integrate her work life and her family life. She shares sage advice for anyone trying to do so.

26:58 – Kate shares more about her work at UnboundEd and how her personal experiences fuel her passion to serve in the field of education.

28:55 – Kate discusses the work of UnboundEd and how they deliver against their mission of improving access to high quality education.

31:54 – We examine the role of bias in the workplace and Kate shares practical tips to help us to overcome it.

38:40 – Kate talks about what we would be surprised to learn about her.

40:15 – Brass Tacks  The lightning round of concrete advice and tips.



Quotable quotes


  • “By orienting to children that way [attachment parenting] there is a trust that is built early.”


  • “One of the most remarkable things about unconscious bias is how universal it is….bias has been documented and researched…it’s a fairly universal human phenomenon.”



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