Mike Lewis is the Founder and CEO of When to Jump, a global community featuring the individuals, stories, and ideas relating to leaving something comfortable in order to pursue a passion. Launched in 2016, the platform has attracted millions of impressions through digital and print media, in-person experiences, and brand collaborations.

In January 2018, Mike’s book, When to Jump: If the Job You Have Isn’t the Life You Want (Henry Holt Macmillan) was released worldwide. Goldman Sachs named Mike one of the 100 Most Intriguing Entrepreneurs of 2017 and his When to Jump podcast has been named a top 10 business podcast by iTunes.

Mike graduated magna cum laude from Dartmouth College, and developed When to Jump from his experience leaving his job as an investor at Bain Capital Ventures to chase a dream of competing on the professional squash tour—an adventure across 200,000 miles, six continents and nearly fifty countries.


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Learn more about Mike Lewis and his book, When to Jump


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Sneak Peek Into What You’ll Learn…


2:11  –  What is a jump?  Mike explains what it takes to leave something comfortable in order to pursue a passion.

5:42  – Mike discusses what steps he took to decide to leave his prestigious job in order to chase his dream.

11:08  –  Mike shares the 4 phases of the journey, or Jump Curve, that most people should go through when making a jump.

17:00  –  What would Mike say to someone who is interested in making a jump, but feel they can’t because they have a family or other responsibilities?

21:32  –  Mike explains why he believes nearly everyone, from all types of backgrounds, can find a way to make a jump if they want to.

24:48  –  Mike shares how he was able to write a book and have it published by a major publishing house.

28:20  – Brass Tacks: The lightning round of concrete advice and tips


Quotable quotes:


“So when you decide to go take a jump and you’re really on your own, you have to remember why you decided to do this in the first place.”


“[When making a jump] You don’t look for permission, you look for support.”


“It’s never too early to plan [for a jump] and you can plan five minutes a day…”


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